Yes children, it is time for a nother movie .. in danish I might add. This time we look at two different controllers from the NES and two from the Super Nintendo. But in order to see if the best of the alternative controllers, could beat the original NES controller, we had to test it out in a little game called: Mortal Street Soul Instinct Fighter 7: the Turbo Killer Anniversary Edition 3!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
You all know Gameboy, now meet BadBoy!
The Second NintenDome & A/H Comics movie is here! So close your windows, lock your doors! This time we get ugly! These are the worst and most shitty games (In Mulldarran collection) that we could find, and it is time to kick there ass, and pour salt in the corrupt minds of the bastards who made this shit! Thoy hast been warned! (It is on danish I might ad)
Ubeskribeligt dårlige GameBoy Spil!
Ubeskribeligt dårlige GameBoy Spil!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Halo 2 VS. Exite Truck
The other day on NintenDome, there was news about which had the better graphics: Xbox 1 or Wii. What is Wii's secret power? Progressive scan bitches! And you think I am joking? Lets take a look at some pictures. I have been playing Halo 2 (The prettiest game for Xbox) on my Xbox 360 using the high quality goldplatet red, yellow, white cables in 480 interlaced. And Exite Truck (a not so pretty game for Wii) using component cables in 480 progressive. The first big difference is that Wii displays in wide screen. The thing is, that Halo 2 is a lot prettier than Exite Truck ... If you don't move that is! As soon master Cheif starts moving, it starts looking bad, and I swear this is what every single freaking frame looks like, and no I have not done anythig to try and make the pictures look bad, this is what Halo 2 look like on a high-end LCD screen. Freezeframeing the picture revels that its is a blurry mess, and the interlaced picture quality makes lines in places it should not be be. Exite Truck however looks as clear and bright as ever, even when in very high speed. Don't get me wrong, Halo 2 is a seriously pretty game, but on a LCD screen, it's lack of Progressive scan makes it's marks on it. If you have a good ol' standard TV, then Halo 2 is by far the best looking, But I hope you guys can see, why I think that it is a close race on modern TV's. Please tell which looks the best, I have a hard time making up my mind my self, I might add.
(the pictures have not been edited in anyway, and I have just used the TVs own "still" funtion)
Monday, May 7, 2007
The theory of "Triple thrust turbo start"
A new movie can be found on YouTube, this is less Nintendoish, and is about how to make a real life turbo tart, like in Mario Kart!
Triple Thrust Turbo Start - Theory
Triple Thrust Turbo Start - Theory
Friday, May 4, 2007
Finally! It's official!
Loyal users of the Danish website NintenDome, could see the movie I have worked on for sooooo long to day . Anyone who does not understand danish will in few days, be able too see the English version on YouTube. (There is no difference but the language by the way). But for now please watch the little wonder at either:
or the direkt link too the YouTube movie:
or the direkt link too the YouTube movie:
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Aliens lie?
Imagine an alien landed in your room and the first thing it (he/she?) told you"All aliens lie" Now, not only is it a weird thing too say, but what does it mean?
Let´s say that the alien lie, that would mean that the fact that aliens lie is a lie and that aliens speak the truth. However, if that is the case the alien lied in order too say that it speaks the truth. So that must mean that they all lie right!? But if everything they say is a lie then they must speak the truth, right? But no, that statement is only true if it actually lied!? So it must have been a lie that they lie, so they speak the truth? But that is only true if they did lie!?
Well I really, really don't know about this one? What do you think?
Let´s say that the alien lie, that would mean that the fact that aliens lie is a lie and that aliens speak the truth. However, if that is the case the alien lied in order too say that it speaks the truth. So that must mean that they all lie right!? But if everything they say is a lie then they must speak the truth, right? But no, that statement is only true if it actually lied!? So it must have been a lie that they lie, so they speak the truth? But that is only true if they did lie!?
Well I really, really don't know about this one? What do you think?
Sunday, March 25, 2007
The rating system
This rating system is defined by how well they work as a remote control. 1. worst - 6 best.
1. The Nokia 3210. Just as the product that has been rated, the Nokia 3210 is useless as a remote. No way how you look at it, it does not work and you will think that it's function as a (fx Video game or food product) is so bad that it should have been a crime. Don't make a cellphone do a remotes job, it will not work!
2. The Windows Media Center remote. This is perhaps the worst remote control ever. It was designed too work as a Media center remote but has failed too do anything but change the channels. It has a bad feel too it and it is a test of you're patience too try too make it work properly.
3. The HD-TV remote control. This is a okey remote, it has all the standard functions that you would expect of it, but fails too catch your attention and blends in the crowd of things you eventually forget.
4. The Xbox 360 Media remote. Now we are talking, this baby is a little more unusual than the standard remote controller. It has all the same functions and a lot extra goodies too. How ever it has it's flaws and doesn't have the "UMFH" too make you stick around for too long.
5. The NAD T 773 All in One remote. Hot damn, now you are playing with power! This "king Kong" of remotes has all you need and you are not limited in any way. This remotes will make time fly by just as fast as it uses up it's batteries, but you will enjoy every second of it! It is original and a show-off with all it's glowing buttons in different colors. And like the product that has been rated, this is as good as a remote gets!
6. The Wii Remote. If remote controllers is defined by their use on your HI-FI equipment, then the Wii remote is beyond definition. This baby's capacity spreads from anything from nose picking too twirling black holes in the far reaches of the universe. And like the rated product, this is beyond what you can expect from any other remote, sins it is original and so much more fun than anything else you have seen. It is mandatory that you check this out!
Bigger and better Baby!
Ah, it is a little sad and I am sure some of you don't get it, but when i get home and se my HD-TV I cant help but moan. Why? Because of this:
Yes the full HD-TV from Sharp, it looks and is COOL! The resolution is double as high as the one I am sitting in front of now. But is i really better because of it? Well I don't know actually. But maybe it is the dream of the unreachable that makes me want it SO BAD! Oh well, a man can always dream.
Yes the full HD-TV from Sharp, it looks and is COOL! The resolution is double as high as the one I am sitting in front of now. But is i really better because of it? Well I don't know actually. But maybe it is the dream of the unreachable that makes me want it SO BAD! Oh well, a man can always dream.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
The secret movie plan!
Strange rumors has it that I am making movies and that a famous danish Nintendo site may have good use of it! Well stay tuned, because these rumors may come true within days!!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
How too hypnotize you'r cat

Yes it is true, you can hypnotize cats and it is surprisingly easy! Follow the instructions from the picture above and in mere seconds, you'r cat will be hypnotized. I must warn you that the results may vary a bit. My own cat starts licking its front paws and changes paw from each time you start "hypnotize" it. other cats will start Meowing at random. And finally some cats gets angry and wants your hands dead!? Ow and don't tease your cat too much, it only sleeps 18 hours a day, after all. So quikly test this out and tell me what your cat is like when it is hypnotized.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Resident Evil 4 PC anmeldelse
Alle der har prøvet Resident Evil 4 ved hvor godt et spil det var til GameCuben, styringen var perfekt, grafiken og lyden var vild og Gameplayet intenst. Efter et halvt år med neddrosling af grafik og med kun et par enkelte tilføjelser, kom spillet også til PS2. Selvom spillet stadig var over ”OK”, så syntes det mest af alt at være en 20 timers lang tålmodigheds test. Et var at polygon tallet var skåret ned fra 10.000 til 5.000 pr. figur, så var alle figurende oven i købet blevet til nærmest ukendelig og ansigts løse fisfostre af en skønhedsfejl. Det var nu alligevel ikke så galt, som når man skulle prøve at styre Leon rundt med den frygtelige dårlige styring. Hele spillets stress faktor kom normalt fra det mange fjender i spillet, men nu var stress svedperlerne fremprovokeret i form af den største og mest ondskabsfulde ”boss” nogensinde, spillets egen styring. Alligevel så syntes PS2 udgave at have en form for selvironi, da alle cutscenes i spillet var hentet fra den voldsomt grafisk overlegende GameCube udgave; Hvilket virker helt åndsvagt at skulle se på den fede grafik som var NGC ingame grafik, i ny og næ afløse PS2ens noget begrænsede grafik. Heldigvis så havde PS2 spillerene så den fordel at der var noget ekstra ”guf” som ikke var i NGC udgaven, og alt det ”guf” er nu klar til at blive spillet på PC!!
Spillet har jo allerede en del at leve op til, skulle man jo mene. Snart byder PCen på spil som Crysis som syntes at have langt bedre grafik end Xbox 360 og PS3, så mon ikke at den kan trække en del ud af RE4? Men jeg skulle blive klogere skulle jeg. Måske var de første røde lamper skudt i gang da spillet kun koster 250 kr. og er udgivet af Ubisoft!? Efter at have været nød til at hente diverse opgraderinger til min computer, så var jeg klar til at spille. Førstehånds intrykket var godt! Grafikken var lige så god som til NGCen og Leon syntes endda at have fået en del flere polygoner! Og det var så de gode ting ved 2 års arbejde, for så gik det galt ... meget galt! Så okay, jeg indrømmer, førstehånds indtrykket var ikke spor godt ... Det sørgelige er at i modsætningen til PS2 udgaven, så har Ubisoft forsøgt at få alle cutscen's i spillet (som også er hentet fra NGC udgaven) til at se dårlige ud, så folk føler at PC udgaven har bedre ingame grafik end NGCen har. Og hvordan har de gjort det? Jo de har så men valgt at optage alle cutscen's med et kamera, som har stået og filmet spillet på en LCD skærm ... Ja for jeg ved sku ærlig talt ikke hvordan fa'en det har lykkes dem at få de cutscens til at se så dårlige ud, Billedet er uskarpt, i normal fjersyns opløsning og lilla, gule og grønne farver pryder hele mit dejlige åsyn, når jeg bare gerne vil se hvad der sker ... Nu troede I vel ikke at det blev være, men jo, det bliver være. For faktum er at hvis Ubi idioterne ikke havde gjort sig så umage i at få filmene til at se så dårlige ud, så var man faktisk bedre stillet med NGCens grafik. På trods af at der er flere polygoner i figurene i PC udgaven, så er hele sjælen i Resident Evil universet hevet ud i stedet, Er det muligt, ja for spillet er nemlig lavet helt uden skygge effekter ... Jeps, alt er lyst i dette spil, og det virker helt til grin at se Leon med tændt lommelygte i det skumle grotter, når der alligevel er så lyst, at lommelygtens ikke kan ses, for det kan det ikke ... Af hvilken nytte er det at landsbyens beboere render rundt med fakler, når ildens røde lys er mørkere end grottens vægge? Måske fordi de ikke bliver blændet selv. ”Hey Don Pedro, kan du ikke tage en fakkel med, jeg kan ikke se med alt det lys” Nej, nej ... Nå, men heldigvis er grafik ikke alt, (når du lader den første riffel, så lyder det som om det er optaget med et kassettebånds optager, for lige at nævne lydsiden) Så er der jo alle spils kerne, nemlig gameplay.
Gameplayet er stadig lige godt i PC udgaven, hvis du da kan spille det overhovedet ... Inde i mit hoved havde jeg tænkt at man kunne sigte med musen, og gå med tastaturet, men nej, det ville åbenbart have givet for meget mening, så du er i stedet udstyret med knapperne 1,2,3,4,5 og 6. Leon kan bevæge sig rundt med knapperne w,a,s og d. eller med knapperne på ”lommereger” tastaturet 8,4,5 og 6, men tro nu ikke at knapperne 4,5 og 6 er det samme som 4,5 og 6, nej nej, det ville ligesom også have givet lidt for meget mening. Da jeg vil snakke med betjentene i bilen kom der et stor ”3” frem på skærmen og jeg trykkede så på 3, men der syntes ikke rigtig at ske noget. Næ nej ”Enter” er åbenbart ”3” (Både den store enter knap og den lille enter knap) Efter at have kæmpet mig igennem landsbyen, bliver der nu kastet en 2 m bred sten efter mig, og knappen ”3” lyser nu op på skærmen og indikere at her skal trykkes hurtigt! Jeg begynder at hamre så hurtigt jeg kan på den store enter knap, men Leon løber næsten ikke og han ender med at blive rullet ned ... Okay om igen, men det samme bliver ved og ved og ved med at ske!? Åbenbart er dette her et job for den lille enter knap og Leon spurter af sted. Bedst som jeg er ved at være løbet fra stenen, dukker der et ”2” og ”6” op på skærmen, med undertitlen ”dodge” (undvig). Hvor, eller hvad i helvede er 2 og 6 knappen!? Leon bliver splattet endnu en gang og det gør min begejstring for spillet her også. Chancen for at ramme netop de to rigtige knapper er 1:10609, og beslutter at kigge dem op i manualen. Fedt, nu ved jeg at man kan se sine ting på knappen ”i”, det var vel nok et heldigt sted at stille den ... sarkasmen folkens, sarkasmen ... Og i alt genialitet, så havde de vist hvad nummer knapperne har ... Hvis du har en controller til din PC, men hvis du har et tastatur, så får du kun at vide hvad knapperne gør, ikke deres nummer. Lige det jeg har brug for ... Jeg kommer så i tanke om at på NGC udgaven var det de to skulderknapper man skulle trykke på, og på tastaturet betød det så de to ”shift” knapper (den helt ude til højre og den under enter) Disse knapper har en grand canyon imellem sig og er umulige at trykke ned på samme tid med en hånd. For det ville sikkert havde givet for meget mening at sætte disse to vigtige knapper tæt på hindanden, så de var let tilgængelige i tidsknebende situationer som denne. Så strategien var klar, først taste på lille enter og så hurtigt over på de to ”shift” knapper. Det går også rigtig godt og da Leon skal til at undvige, så kommer tallene ”1” og ”3” i stedet for!! For ind i Helvede da!! Kors i røven, hvorfor skal det være så svært!? Ikke nok med at jeg har nogle nye knapper jeg kan prøve at gætte mig frem til, så er det så forbistret svært at ramme de åndsvage små knapper, fordi de skal ligge i hver ende af tastaturet!? Hvis det ikke var fordi jeg vidste hvilke knapper man skulle trykke på i de andre spil, så ville man slet ikke have en chance for at kunne regne det ud! Jeg mener, hvad gør man når oddsed for at ramme de rigtige knapper er 1:10609 og man kun har et halvt sekund til at nå at ramme dem i? Jeg ved det ikke, men nogen har ikke været ordentlig vågen, da de skulle godkende det her lort. Desuden bliver dine håndled rustne og syre til af at skulle spille det her i længere tid af gangen, og det gør det ikke just lettere at ramme noget som helt, da det i forvejen syntes at være en udfordring. Så min slut kommentar er: Medmindre du absolut vil have ekstra guffet med, så hold dig til den originale og bedste udgave, nemlig den til Nintendo GameCube.
Damn! He is Danish!
Hello everybody
My name is Anders Hansen and I am slightly proud too introduce my very own blog!
So, what can you expect from this blog? Well since I am a bit of a Nintendo fan and a Hi-Fi nut, for not too mention a little crazy, a lot of weird and cool stuff. (I am Danish after all you now) So it is kind of late right now, so I am not gonna do a hole lot of stuff right now, so I am just gonna post a Danish review of the PC version of Resident Evil 4. (I might just translate it later, so don't worry folks) wait, didn't I just say that I was a Nintendo nerd? ... Oh well ...
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