Friday, May 18, 2007

You all know Gameboy, now meet BadBoy!

The Second NintenDome & A/H Comics movie is here! So close your windows, lock your doors! This time we get ugly! These are the worst and most shitty games (In Mulldarran collection) that we could find, and it is time to kick there ass, and pour salt in the corrupt minds of the bastards who made this shit! Thoy hast been warned! (It is on danish I might ad)

Ubeskribeligt dårlige GameBoy Spil!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Halo 2 VS. Exite Truck

The other day on NintenDome, there was news about which had the better graphics: Xbox 1 or Wii. What is Wii's secret power? Progressive scan bitches! And you think I am joking? Lets take a look at some pictures. I have been playing Halo 2 (The prettiest game for Xbox) on my Xbox 360 using the high quality goldplatet red, yellow, white cables in 480 interlaced. And Exite Truck (a not so pretty game for Wii) using component cables in 480 progressive. The first big difference is that Wii displays in wide screen. The thing is, that Halo 2 is a lot prettier than Exite Truck ... If you don't move that is! As soon master Cheif starts moving, it starts looking bad, and I swear this is what every single freaking frame looks like, and no I have not done anythig to try and make the pictures look bad, this is what Halo 2 look like on a high-end LCD screen. Freezeframeing the picture revels that its is a blurry mess, and the interlaced picture quality makes lines in places it should not be be. Exite Truck however looks as clear and bright as ever, even when in very high speed. Don't get me wrong, Halo 2 is a seriously pretty game, but on a LCD screen, it's lack of Progressive scan makes it's marks on it. If you have a good ol' standard TV, then Halo 2 is by far the best looking, But I hope you guys can see, why I think that it is a close race on modern TV's. Please tell which looks the best, I have a hard time making up my mind my self, I might add.

(the pictures have not been edited in anyway, and I have just used the TVs own "still" funtion)

Monday, May 7, 2007

The theory of "Triple thrust turbo start"

A new movie can be found on YouTube, this is less Nintendoish, and is about how to make a real life turbo tart, like in Mario Kart!

Triple Thrust Turbo Start - Theory

Friday, May 4, 2007

Finally! It's official!

Loyal users of the Danish website NintenDome, could see the movie I have worked on for sooooo long to day . Anyone who does not understand danish will in few days, be able too see the English version on YouTube. (There is no difference but the language by the way). But for now please watch the little wonder at either:


or the direkt link too the YouTube movie: